From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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Leading effective meetings

Leading effective meetings

- Meetings can be powerful communication tools or a dreadful waste of time. To make cross-functional team meetings productive, specify the meeting purpose, have the right people in the room, but maybe not all the people, manage by exception, identify sources of conflict, and be clear with the accountabilities and next steps. The meeting's purpose can be to update or share information, make a decision, resolve an issue, solve a problem, or celebrate success. Let people know what the meeting is about beforehand and specify if there is any preparation required on their part before the meeting. Meeting attendees should be driven by the purpose of the meeting. If you're sharing information, ensure that people who need that information are invited. If you're making a decision, have all the decision makers and people providing input into the decision in the room. People have a bias to invite everyone. Be thoughtful about who you invite and let the meeting purpose dictate who needs to be…
