From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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Communicating in a team

Communicating in a team

- It's imperative that teams consisting of people from different departments use clear and concise communication techniques. The leader's role in this process is creating the right conditions for effective communication and ensuring the interactions between team members are productively focused on achieving the team's and the organization's goals. Let's take a look at a scenario where the team leader, Kim, is getting her cross-functional team together for its weekly project review. To prepare for the meeting, she made sure to clarify her purpose and explicitly define expectations. - Thank you all for coming today. I just want to take a few moments to review some work streams that look like they're going off track. We also need to make a decision on hiring an external consultant to help us with our user acceptance testing training. - Notice Kim did a nice job of specifying the purpose of the meeting upfront. It's clear to the team that they're going to review the status of two work…
