From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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Challenges of building the team

Challenges of building the team

- Cross-functional teams can be really challenging to lead. There are three major challenges you'll face when leading these teams. But if you plan for them, you can overcome all of them. First, team demands compete with the day-to-day demands of the team member's day job. It's pressure they're going to face from their own department. Their daily responsibilities don't go away. Their project responsibilities on the cross-functional team typically get added to those day-to-day responsibilities. Their reviews, in terms of their end of year review is more about their day job than their participation on your cross-functional team. So the project might not get as much attention or priority from that person. The second challenge you'll face is that the team will have natural conflict in its structure. Due to competing goals, perspectives, styles and personalities. There are competing goals in terms of some people need in their day job to drive one function and your cross-functional team is…
