From the course: Making the Case for Diversity and Inclusion

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What does justice have to do with it?

What does justice have to do with it?

- When we're trying to get people to join our cause we sometimes get stuck at the starting gate. What do we call it? Should we use D&I? Diversity and Inclusion, DEI, adding and equity, or DEIB, bringing and belonging. Some people have even started to add the word justice to the conversation, reframing the common acronym to JEDI, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. At our company, Inclusion Design Group we support our clients in determining what feels right in their context. And as trainers, we provide a conceptual framework by expanding on the popular dance metaphor originally coined by Verne Meyers. Diversity is being invited to the dance. Inclusion is being asked to dance. Belonging is being able to dance how we want and equity is having a turn picking the DJ. Now, what does that mean? It means that diversity is only the first step. It's just getting people into the party. It is the representation aspect…
