From the course: Making Sense of the CSS Box Model

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The web is made of boxes

The web is made of boxes

- [Instructor] Let's start at the very beginning with what the browser sees when it's asked to open a document. Ignoring the whole head section of the markup, and looking only at the body, the browser is a percent of various content wrapped inside element tags. Some of the content is plain text placed in between tags that identify it as a heading, a paragraph, a block quote or even a link. Other content, like images, is not actually placed in the document but rather referenced through specialized attributes. The browser sees the reference, goes to the source location, and pulls the actual content in to be displayed alongside the other content. The element tags that wrap the various content in a document is what constitutes the markup in hypertext markup language, or HTML. They split apart the content, identify different components, their roles and attributes, and allows the browser to make sense of the…
