From the course: Magazine Design Start to Finish: The Inside Pages

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- Type is a funny thing. I've set three different styles of type, Miller, Utopia, and Garamond, all nine points on 12 points of line spacing. You'd think they'd all be the same size, but you can see they all look very different. Utopia looks very big. Garamond looks very small. The reason why is because of the difference in their x-heights. Utopia has a very tall x-height and Garamond, which is an old classic, has a very small x-height. The X is the height of the lowercase letters. And because text is almost always lowercase, it's the x-height that we have to go by. In order to make these look the same, I've changed the sizes, so now Utopia is only eight and a half points and Garmond is 12 and a half points. Now the x-height of all three is the same. You can see the cap heights are different. When the type is the same size, you can now begin to discern a difference in texture. All three faces have about the same level of gray. If you squint, you'll see they all have a very similar…
