From the course: Magazine Design: Getting Started

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- The next three often go together, although they don't have to. The masthead is a list of those who work for the magazine. It's a design issue only if you have a long list. A small magazine, two or three names, a half dozen maybe can be worked in really anywhere. A few approaches are typical. one is like Popular Science magazine. A simple column next to the editor's letter. Seveur is done in two columns next to an ad. Inc. magazine uses a whole page. The magazine staff centered on top, business, marketing, and other operations, in two columns beneath. Oprah's O magazine uses two full pages. And, for everyone with a small staff, Lagom magazine puts its staff of six, plus 20 contributors together on a full page with lots of white as is its spacious style. And, of course, with all of these there's a wide range of typographic possibilities
