From the course: Magazine Design: Getting Started


- When you're building a magazine, a few things to keep in mind, kind of umbrella things. A magazine is typically divided into thirds. Front, middle, back. Pretty simple. Each has a different function. We'll get to that. A magazine is also designed, typically, for three levels of engagement. First is to catch your eye. It's that quick look, headlines, pictures, captions, the big things. You look at these. They make an impression. You decide if you want to go further. Next, I'll call the light reading level. This is where deck heads and leads, and sidebars carry you further. A deck head is the longer description beneath a headline. A sidebar is a story within a story. Related to it, but different, and often in small, light reading bites. Finally, is the deep reading, which is primarily text. By this time, the reader is fully engaged, and you're design goal is just to help them move through the story. So, three sections, front, middle, back. Three levels, quick look, light reading, deep reading. Let's check 'em out.
