From the course: Magazine Design: Getting Started

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A look at a magazine: Saveur

A look at a magazine: Saveur - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Magazine Design: Getting Started

A look at a magazine: Saveur

- Saveur Magazine. Apologies to my French viewers for the rough pronunciation. Another cooking magazine, equally well done, very different, look inside. This feature is a splash, huge picture, big heads, funky type styles, lots of color. It's loud. It's designed deliberately to tickle, to entertain, to get you excited about paella. Another feature, the Nomads, is lush. It's visual. It's a story told in images. There's a romance here with food and place. There's an air. You're a traveler, a visitor. This is what you love. Food is more than just eating; it's an environment. It's a life. That's what's being conveyed here with these big photos and spare type. So these two magazines, both about food, each impart a very different voice and style. That's what you want your design to do, too.
