From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (202-450) Cert Prep

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Creating reverse lookup zones

Creating reverse lookup zones

- We've seen how to resolve a name to an IP but how about resolving an IP to a name, stick around. We'll show you how it's done. - [Narrator] You're watching ITProTV. (upbeat instrumental music) (wind swipe) - Welcome back to LPIC-2. Now we've already talked about forward lookup zones. So now we're going to talk about reverse lookup zones. So what are we going to cover today? - Well, you know a forward lookup zone converts a name to an IP. We're going to look at the reverse. Resolving an IP to a name. We'll see how to create reverse lookup zones, how to populate them with records and get bind set up to be able to answer that and help us resolve from an IP to a name. - So I know reverse lookup zones are different from forward lookup zones but how exactly are they different? - Well, the biggest difference is the type of information they return, right? So they're basically doing the exact opposite thing that a…
