From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep: 6 Networking Configuration

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Troubleshooting name resolution

Troubleshooting name resolution

- DNS servers not working properly? Well let's talk about how to troubleshoot that right now. - [Broadcaster] You're watching ITProTV. (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome back to LPIC-2. I am Zach and this is Don. Hello Don. - Hello, Zach. (both laugh) - That's our official beginning. - Very formal. - Okay so DNS servers, troubleshooting - Sure. - and where we at with all that? - Alright, well we already talked about DNS servers in the network configuration episode, but now we're going to talk a little bit about troubleshooting them because when DNS breaks, well, it pretty much ruins our whole network connectivity. So, we need to learn how to troubleshoot it and learn some of the tools we can use to identify whether or not DNS is the root cause of issues that we're having. So that's what were going to see right here in this episode. - Well, what are some of the symptoms we may see when name resolution is not…
