From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

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Where should I put a dev server?

Where should I put a dev server?

From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

Where should I put a dev server?

- [Instructor] What is the best place for development server? For most PHP developers the answer is usually local on their own workstation. That was easy. Now the hard part. Why is local typically optimal? This is a nuance question and there's a number of different options to compare. The first options are web hosting services, which provide space on a server along with internet connectivity. Typically, they'll manage the server configuration, so all you have to provide is the application itself, and the data, and you just use their configuration, whatever it may be. Because they're supporting multiple customers, there's typically less flexibility for configuration. One size fits most. Of course, this isn't free. You are paying to delegate responsibility, which isn't always a bad thing. If you like, you can handle hosting yourself. Self-hosting is always an option. The primary advantage is that it lowers cost of third parties. It's also a lot more flexible in that you can basically…
