From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

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Introducing virtualization

Introducing virtualization

- [Narrator] Linux is really useful but it needs to be installed somewhere. Most people, including myself, don't have a spare computer lying around to use as a development server. This is where virtualization and virtual machines become incredibly useful. A system virtual machine, or VM for short, is the complete software emulation of a physical computer system. Meaning, it's functionally equivalent to do whatever it's acting like. A VM allows an entire operating system to run normally within it, and an operating system thinks that it's installed on a regular computer. A VM typically emulates an existing hardware system, such as the architecture found in desktop PCs. Using the software, you can run multiple operating system environments within VMs on a single computer, even simultaneously. This allows you to do things like run a copy of Windows 10 within a VM on Mac OS, which can be incredibly useful for testing, or using, platform specific software. A system virtual machine is like a…
