From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

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Installing Xdebug for debugging

Installing Xdebug for debugging

From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

Installing Xdebug for debugging

- [Instructor] Make it faster! Make it work better! Sounds hard but actually there are a lot of tools that will help with that. In this chapter we're going to be installing components for debugging and performance. We'll start with debugging and profiling tools, such as Xdebug for both debugging and profiling. Then we'll install Webgrind, an Xdebug profiling web front end and configure it to work with the profiler. Next, we'll turn to services that can be used to improve performance. We'll install Memcached, a popular memory caching service then install Redis, an in-memory database. Why both Memcached and Redis? They won't automatically make your site or application faster but they can be used as caching back ends and more. They both provide similar core services but each has their own advantages and disadvantages and have different capabilities. Both are stable, mature and production ready and scale well. Functionally, they can coexist on the same server without conflict. Practically…
