From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

Exercise files for this course

From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

Exercise files for this course

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files for this course, you can download them to your desktop. The exercise files for this course are contained in three folders. Configuration, which contains service and program configuration files, MySQL, which contains some of the queries that will be used during the course, and Sandbox, which contains executables used for demonstrations. This will help you identify areas of optimization and research. In addition to the exercise files, a free quick reference to the Linux and server commands covered in this course is provided as a PDF. Feel free to print out and distribute this quick reference. If you're viewing this course on a mobile device, a set-top box, or your membership doesn't provide access to the exercise files, don't worry. The exercise files are a convenience, not a requirement, so please continue to follow along as we progress through the course. Now, let's get started with Linux for PHP Developers.
