From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

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Choosing a Linux distribution

Choosing a Linux distribution

From the course: Linux for PHP Developers

Choosing a Linux distribution

- [Narrator] Saying you use Linux is like saying you're using a car. There isn't just one Linux. The term actually encompasses hundreds of variations known as Linux Distributions. A distribution is a combination of software that adds functionality to Linux. Distributions are typically packaged for specific purposes. For example, a desktop distribution intended for end users would typically include a graphical user interface and user applications like an office suite and internet browser. In comparison, a server distribution typically has no graphical user interface, comes with no productivity software, and is easy to configure for a specific purpose like a web server. Some Linux Distributions are completely community based while others have a commercial component in the form of support or custom development. Let's compare some of the most popular and well supported distributions. openSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu which we'll use as the basis of our server. openSUSE is the fifth most popular…
