From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Use AI to enhance your profile - LinkedIn Premium Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Use AI to enhance your profile

Strengthen your profile and stand out for almost twice as many opportunities with Premium's AI-powered writing assistant. This tool helps you craft the headline and about sections of your profile, with suggestions based on your strongest skills and experiences. You can access this feature by clicking the pencil icon at the top of your profile. Scrolling to the headline section and then clicking "Write with AI". The AI will suggest new headlines for you. You can click the "Show Option" button to see other suggestions. And you're free to type in your own changes to the suggestions as well. If you like the suggestion, you can click "Save", otherwise, click "Revert" to return to your original headline. Follow these same steps to draft a version of your About section. Here we already have some info in the About section, but we'll click "Write with AI". Using insights, data, and keywords from millions of strong LinkedIn profiles, the AI will help bring your best professional story to life so you get noticed by more people. Be sure to keep your profile up-to-date so the AI can draft the most accurate representation of you. And as always, make sure to fact-check and review the output before saving.
