From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Getting started with LinkedIn Premium - LinkedIn Premium Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Getting started with LinkedIn Premium

- [Presenter] Your premium page is a good place to get started learning about all your premium features. To get there, click the me menu and choose premium features. As you scroll through this page you'll see recommended features based on your goals. For example, if you're a job seeker you'll see premium recommended jobs as a recommended feature to help you find and land a job quicker. In addition to these brief blurbs many of these items include video tips. You can watch for more information, to make the most of your premium membership. Scroll down to the premium tips card and turn it on. These tips will show up in your notifications tab and provide tips on how to best use your premium features. It's also a good idea to turn on your premium profile badge which can let other professionals know that you're serious about using LinkedIn to make new connections or search for a job. The Gold Premium Badge appears on your profile page as well as next to your name and search results which can help you stand out more among other people in the results. And lastly, you'll be able to easily identify your premium features throughout LinkedIn by the gold borders that appear at the top of premium sections.
