From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Add a custom button - LinkedIn Premium Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Add a custom button

Enabling a premium custom button lets you add a personalized call-to-action button to your profile and to key areas around LinkedIn, including messages, feed posts, and search results. Start by clicking the "Add custom button" button near the top of your profile. And here, select your button type. Current button options include visit my store, visit my website, visit my portfolio, and so on. So, for example, click "Visit my website" and then enter your website's URL. Make sure increased button visibility is enabled to make sure your button appears across messaging, feed, and search results. We'll click "Save". And now we have this "Visit my website" button on our profile, which when clicked, opens up our website. The button will also appear in the posts you make. And when you show up in search results, the button will appear there. And when you send messages, the people who receive your messages will also be able to visit your website from here as well.
