From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Achieve your professional goals with LinkedIn Premium - LinkedIn Premium Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn Premium Quick Tips

Achieve your professional goals with LinkedIn Premium

- [Garrick] A LinkedIn premium subscription unlocks exclusive features that can help you take advantage of the LinkedIn platform more effectively and efficiently and reach your professional goals faster. This course is a collection of quick tips and tricks designed to introduce you to the many features available with the premium membership. We've organized the course into three main sections a chapter on the core premium features that are useful to any professional regardless of their career goals. That's followed by a chapter on managing your professional brand and network and a chapter aimed at professionals looking to find and land a job. If you haven't signed up yet, new customers are eligible for a free 30 day trial. Feel free to sign up at and take these features for a test drive. I'm Garrick Chow and I'm looking forward to taking you through this course.
