From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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What is regression?

What is regression?

- [Instructor] Regression is a widely-used machine learning tool. This has to do with predicting things, even before they have occurred, using signals that are available. Let's look at an example that can help you understand this concept and also recollect what might have been high school statistics lessons for many of us. For our example, we have chosen the LinkedIn feed. This is the personalized homepage for LinkedIn members where we aim to enable conversations amongst professionals. So we have members who create content and members who interact with those content through comments, likes, or shares, which leads to conversations with other members in the network. For a LinkedIn creator who is also a member, a natural question is, how can I write an article or create a video that will increase the interactions or the engagement on that piece of content? If we put ourselves in the shoes of the creator, we would want…
