From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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What is classification?

What is classification?

- [Instructor] In the last few chapters we learned about regression where we were trying to predict a numeric quantity like the number of conversations using observed quantities which we call features or predictor variables or observable variables. But in some applications we might need to predict categories or classes instead of a numeric quantity. This is what the topic of classification deals with. Many of you might have applied for a loan, maybe a car loan or a home loan, and there is a process of loan approval. That process is trying to figure out how likely you are to default on the loan. That is a classification task. Will you pay the loan or will you default? Another important application, which is relatively new is looking at x-ray images and trying to decide whether a particular patient is at an elevated risk of cancer or not based on that image. At LinkedIn, we have multiple kinds of tasks where we apply…
