From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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What is AI?

What is AI?

- [Instructor] This is a course about artificial intelligence. But before we go into artificial intelligence, let's talk about intelligence itself. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge, comprehend that knowledge, and apply it in new scenarios. Now, most living things can learn, and are able to apply that knowledge. Even if we look at, say, trees. Trees have learned to face their leaves towards the sun and maximize how much sunlight they can intake and create food from it. Mammals like dogs can learn to follow instructions and become our pets. Some birds can even learn a few words from a language and utter them when we want them to. Humans, on the other hand, have a higher level of intelligence. We can develop abstractions, we can logic about things, and a lot more. For example, we could observe the sun, the moon, and their movements, and also an apple falling from a tree. Connect the dots between these…
