From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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Know your objective, know your data, and listen to the data

Know your objective, know your data, and listen to the data

From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

Know your objective, know your data, and listen to the data

- [Instructor] By some estimates only about 25% of companies in the United States have successfully implemented AI in some parts of their business. This is a relatively low percentage in comparison to the promise that the technology holds and an indication that it is hard to get AI right when thinking about how to do AI right, it is again, helpful to bring up the three core pillars of AI, the objective, the data and the algorithms, and it is important for a practitioner to get all of them right. Defining the right objective relates to defining what we want the AI model to accomplish. Going back to the classification example of job applications, the goal is to notify a member about a relevant job, and we are trying to accomplish that by predicting whether the member will apply for the job or not in our training data then. Apply or no apply becomes a label. Note that the model has no understanding of what a job application…
