From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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Building real AI applications

Building real AI applications

- [Instructor] So what does it take to build a real AI application? Innovation, as we know, is an iterative process. For example, the light bulb, as the famous saying goes, "Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times to get the first light bulb working." But from then on, it also took us more than a hundred years to get to LED lamps, which are way more efficient. Another example, take electric cars of today. They are more efficient and look very different from the first cars that were built by Henry Ford or Karl Benz. Similarly, to get an AI solution and get it right, it takes many iterations. As we discussed in the last section, building AI solutions, especially through machine learning as we do today, has three main components: the objective, the data, and the algorithms. And we need to iterate through all these three components to build real AI applications. We'll try to explain this more using one example that of news.…
