From the course: LinkedIn AI Academy AI-100: 1 Demystifying AI

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AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning

- [Instructor] In this series we are talking generally about artificial intelligence but most of the topics are actually machine learning. Some people use these terms interchangeably but that's not quite correct. Artificial intelligence is the capability that we are trying to build in a program that can learn, comprehend and make decisions for us possibly very complex decisions without precedence. So the goal of AI is to reach human level intelligence and beyond. Machine learning is a subfield of AI which is a lot more like mimicry. It looks at past data and looks at the actions taken in the past and then tries to replicate that in future situations using algorithms. Concepts like logic or abstraction or generalization are pretty limited in machine learning at the moment. Machine learning is one area where we have actually made a lot of progress, and it is central to the improvements we have made in AI thus far. It is…
