From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Remove a color cast from a photo

Remove a color cast from a photo - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Remove a color cast from a photo

- [Instructor] Next, you're going to learn how to remove a color cast from your photos in Lightroom. There are several reasons why your photos can have a color cast. The settings from your camera, the lighting conditions, and even the time of day can all affect the color of the light in your photos. Regardless of the reason, removing a color cast is a common problem that you can quickly fix in Lightroom in several ways. First, click on the Edit button and expand the color panel. Here you will find powerful controls to adjust the white balance in your photos. You can manually remove a color cast by adjusting the Temp and Tint sliders. But in most cases, you will only use these sliders to fine-tune an adjustment rather than doing it manually. Lightroom offers several presets that you can use to quickly white balance a photo. The presets are available through this dropdown. If you're working with raw images, the dropdown will…
