From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Straighten photos with the Auto and Guided Upright

Straighten photos with the Auto and Guided Upright - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Straighten photos with the Auto and Guided Upright

- The geometry panel allows you to remove perspective distortions. This panel works great in photos with crooked horizons or buildings with vertical or horizontal lines that aren't straight. Lightroom has four upright modes that you can use to fix perspective automatically. Auto, level, vertical and full. I recommend trying auto first, since Lightroom does a fantastic job, figuring out the adjustments that the photo needs. But try the others as well in case you find something that you like. After applying an upright mode, you can adjust the image further by manually modifying the sliders below. They're self-explanatory, so I'm not going to go through each one, but feel free to experiment with them to fine tune your adjustments. The other option in the dropdown is guided, which is the same as clicking on the guided upright tool on the right. The guided upright tool allows you to trace two or more guides along the…
