From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Vibrance and saturation

Vibrance and saturation - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Vibrance and saturation

- In Lightroom, there are two sliders that you can use to increase or decrease the intensity of the colors in your photo. They are the vibrance slider and the saturation slider. They're similar, but they do have notable differences. Let's discuss the saturation slider first. In this photo, the colors are dull and flat, and the goal is to increase the color intensity so that the colors pop. When you drag the saturation slider to the left, you will decrease saturation of all the colors in the image. Dragging to the right increases the saturation of all colors equally. This is an absolute adjustment. Sometimes the saturation slider can get you into trouble, especially if you're working with an image that contains skin tones or already highly saturated pixels. Notice it by dragging the saturation slider all the way to the right, the skin tones are blown out and overly saturated. The vibrance slider also adds saturation to an…
