From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Edit a landscape photo with linear gradient adjustments

Edit a landscape photo with linear gradient adjustments - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Edit a landscape photo with linear gradient adjustments

- [Instructor] Sometimes at landscape photos, the foreground may be too dark or lacking detail. In Lightroom you can use a linear gradient for enhancing skies and foreground separately in an urban or landscape photo. In this image, we will brighten the foreground. Start by selecting the Linear Gradient tool from the toolbar. Then click directly over your image and drag to create the gradient. You can move the gradient in any direction and you can hold the shift key to constrain a gradient vertically or horizontally. Currently I'm holding the mouse button and holding shift and I'll drag up then released to create the gradient. If you don't have the overlay active, press the O key several times until you see it. By default, the overlay is red. The adjustments start to fade, where you click, and the point where you release, is where the adjustments no longer affect the image. The mask overlay shows the affected areas as…
