From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Crop and straighten your photos

Crop and straighten your photos - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Crop and straighten your photos

- In Lightroom, you can use the crop tool to crop, rotate, or flip your images. To enable the crop tool, you can press the C key on the keyboard, or click directly on the crop tool. This tool works as you would expect. You can click and drag on the corner handles to crop the image. As you're cropping, you can also rotate the image by dragging the Straighten slider. To automatically straighten the horizon, you can double click on the Auto button. Also, you can swap the crop aspect ratio by clicking on this icon, or you can press the X key on the keyboard. In the Aspect Ratio dropdown, you can find predefined crop aspect ratios. Notice that when you choose any of these options, the lock icon locks. This means that the aspect ratio is locked, and when you click and drag on the corner handles, you will not be able to change it. To free form the crop, click on the lock icon to unlock aspect ratio or select Custom from…
