From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

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Adjust the exposure and contrast

Adjust the exposure and contrast - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Quick Start

Adjust the exposure and contrast

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at making manual light adjustments in Lightroom. We'll start with the Exposure and Contrast lighters. Keep in mind that photo adjustments are all subjective. Feel free to make the adjustments that look good to your eye. Also, if you forget what a slider controls, simply hover over the slider, to display a helpful tool tip that contains a description and an animation of what the slider controls. The best way to work in the light panel, is to start on top and work your way down the list. First, you'll see the Exposure slider, which controls the overall brightness of your photo. Dragging to the left, reduces brightness. While dragging to the right increases brightness. This is a strong control and you should only use it if your photo is not exposed correctly. In this case, the photo is a little underexposed, it's too dark, so drag the Exposure slider to the right to brighten up the photo.…
