From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I whiten teeth?

How do I whiten teeth?

- As we drink coffee or get older our teeth tend to yellow a bit. And sure a good visit to the dentist and a teeth cleaning will help. But sometimes they come off a little bit yellow on camera. Well, Lightroom makes it pretty easy to fix this. We just need to brush in the adjustment. Let's zoom in here. He's got a great smile. Well, just about everything in the photo looks good. His teeth are just a touch yellow. So to fix this, I'm going to choose the brush. And let's take advantage of its ability to auto mask. And we'll just assign a color here so we could see the changes. I'll go with green so it's really visible. Now with a smaller brush I could start to paint. The benefit of auto mask is it's going to recognize some of those edges. So notice how I don't have to be quite as careful as we get near the gums. As we continue to paint here, it just fills that in and makes the targeted selection there. Remember, left…
