From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I create a black-and-white photo?

How do I create a black-and-white photo? - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

How do I create a black-and-white photo?

- Black and white photography is a very popular and classic genre and Lightroom offers very capable tools to get you there. With the black and white photo, though, it starts with a good color image. Make sure you've adjusted the image to get it to the point where you're happy. Don't be afraid to use the basic adjustments here to really refine things. Then, what you're going to do is explore. There's a couple of ways to go about this. One traditional method is choosing black and white. Now I've got the clipping indicators on so that's where those blue pixels are coming. This will allow you to play with the shadows versus the highlights as well as the white and black point and using options like contrast, clarity, and texture, we can get a very attractive image. What's nice though is, remember, you also have these sliders here. So if you want to, you can adjust a particular area and that on image tool works great.…
