From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I add color to a black-and-white photo?

How do I add color to a black-and-white photo? - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

How do I add color to a black-and-white photo?

- You may find yourself in a situation where you want some selective color, an image that's mostly black and white, but a hint of color still coming through. Fortunately, this can all be done with the HSL tool. If I have an image here, instead of going to a global black and white, what I'm going to do instead is look at the saturation amounts. Let's go ahead and pull these all down to start. We'll globally pull the saturation down in the image. Notice how it strips away all of the color. Now very subtly, I could take my On Image tool and introduce back a hint of that color, bringing back a little bit of the orange or maybe a little bit more there on the horns. Notice, by mixing this in, we can get just a kiss of red and a hint of orange for a subtle effect. That works quite nicely. By using the color grade here, we can just make a small refinement for a gentle hint in the highlights, and if we go over to those shadows,…
