From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

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Using automated reporting to improve communications

Using automated reporting to improve communications

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

Using automated reporting to improve communications

- Now it's time to talk about how we can use generative AI to bring our communication, stakeholder management, and reporting to the next level. What generative AI can do on that is a game changer. Let's start with stakeholder management. Generative AI can identify the stakeholders for you. It can also analyze, prioritize, and rank their relevance and interest. On the top of this, it can also suggest your communication strategy to each stakeholder group. Now, I suggest that you pause this video and access a generative AI tool, like ChatGPT, Bard, Microsoft Bing, or PMOtto. Use the template I mentioned in the previous lesson, the CSIF acronym, and type on the prompt, "I am building a new house where I will live with my family. I need a list of the main stakeholders in this project. Include the following information for each stakeholder: level of interest in the project, low, medium, high, power and influence over the…
