From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

Project planning and scheduling with generative AI

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

Project planning and scheduling with generative AI

- Imagine you automatically adding project tasks to your team's calendar, or even better reprioritizing them based on their criticality to the project, all of this automatically. Starting now, I will share with you some tools and applications using AI that could really leverage your work. I just need you to be mindful of one thing. New tools are being released as we speak. I did my best to select tools that reflect the potential of AI in project management. Maybe in the future, these tools will not exist or will be replaced by new ideas. It's an evolving market. But now, can you imagine doing a brainstorming session using AI to create the scope of your project in a blink of an eye? This is the power of generative AI in project planning. Let me give you some examples. You can use a tool like ChatGPT in natural language to craft the scope of your new project. And when I say natural language, I'm saying you do not need formal code or language. You just ask as you ask any human. For example, you can access ChatGPT and type, Suggest the first level of a work breakdown structure of a new house I want to build for my family. Please split the work by types of work required in the house. You will see a very decent draft of WBS for your project. A second example, type, I created the first level of the WBS of my new home: foundation, walls, ceiling, plumbing, electrical works, carpentry, painting, and finishing. Am I missing something? You will be amazed by the results. And remember, you can do this in practically any language. It's essential to highlight that the prompt of what you type in your chat drives the quality of the results. You will find thousands of tips on how to do that online. I always have in mind the CSIF acronym. C stands for the context of what you need to work. S means specific. You need to provide detailed information about what you need. The letter I stands for intent. It's your goal. What do you want the AI to do? And F means format. It's how you want the results to be. An example of a poorly written prompt on ChatGPT could be: Prepare the scope of my new house project. On the other side, an excellent prompt would be: I'm building a new house to live in with my family in Bangalore, India. Detail the project by the different types of work. And please produce a work breakdown structure with three levels of depth and one item per line in the format I can copy and paste into Microsoft Project. I am sure that even if you knew each part of the scope, just writing them would take you more time than using GPT. And working with schedule is about the same. You can use ChatGPT in order to list tasks, suggest relationships, et cetera. But you can use tools like Motion to schedule any type of work among your team members automatically based on the priority of the work and their availability. The tool will analyze the available time slots for each resource. It'll evaluate the priority of the task and populate your calendar with the assigned time slots. And of course, it will do this not only for you but for everybody in the project and will respect all the relationships you defined for each task. And even better, if one of your resources does not complete the task in the defined timeframe, it'll automatically reschedule all future work for everyone in seconds. No manual planning is required. And this, this is not science fiction. It's not something to the future. It's what is happening and it's happening now.
