From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

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Tips to get ready for the future

Tips to get ready for the future

- After seeing all the lessons in this course I'm sure your question now is, how do I get ready? Again there is no perfect recipe for that. I want to share with you my own experience and how I got more comfortable and ready to navigate the world of AI. But before I start, I need to mention one relevant point. None of the aspects I will discuss here are technical. None of them. The challenge we all face is not technical. It's about us, our culture, our values and how we see our work. Technology is only a tool. Now I want to share with you three pieces of advice I share with everyone when I'm talking about getting ready for AI. First, you must move from being fragile to becoming anti-fragile. Something fragile is something that breaks when subjected to stress. Imagine a glass falling from your table to the floor. When it hits the floor, it'll break into hundreds of small pieces. Many people believe that the opposite of…
