From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

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Five aspects to consider while managing AI projects

Five aspects to consider while managing AI projects

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

Five aspects to consider while managing AI projects

- Developing an AI project is not a technological challenge. It's far more than that. Let's now discuss the three aspects you must consider when developing an AI project. First, dream big but start small. There is much discussion about AI's disruptive nature, especially generative AI. It has the power to change pretty much all dimensions of our lives. When envisioning an AI project, we must think this way. We must think big. When my partners and I envisioned the PMOtto, we envisioned a world where project managers could have on their side a virtual assistant that would change how they manage their projects, with a massive amount of knowledge and combined project experience at their fingertips. The established group says that out of the almost 48 trillion invested in projects yearly, only 35% succeeded. The wasted resources and unrealized benefits of the other 65% are mind blowing. Imagine the benefit if we could deliver.…
