From the course: Learning YouTube SEO

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Title length and keywords

Title length and keywords - YouTube Tutorial

From the course: Learning YouTube SEO

Title length and keywords

- After your thumbnail, your video's title is the next main line of defense when it comes to attracting clicks, but it's also vital for ranking and search. Still got that target keyword stashed away? Good, 'cause it's going to be very important when it comes to composing your magnum opus of a video title. But first let's talk about why your title is so important. You can think of your title combined with your thumbnail like your elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is the idea that you've only got the 30 seconds it takes to ride an elevator to hook whoever you're pitching to. But on YouTube, you only have about three seconds. But you can't hook a viewer if your video isn't even ranking in search. So let's talk about how to beef up your title's SEO with that target keyword. If you've already done all your keyword research like a good little YouTuber, then your video's title should actually be very easy. You just want to…
