From the course: Learning YouTube SEO

Discover the power of YouTube SEO - YouTube Tutorial

From the course: Learning YouTube SEO

Discover the power of YouTube SEO

- [Instructor] So you're a YouTuber and you want to take your channel to the next level, huh? Maybe you've got the content grind down, but you're just not getting the clicks you were hoping for. Well, never fear for I, the YouTube wizard, trademark pending, is here to help. In this course, I'll help you discover the power of YouTube SEO and show you handy tips you can do before and after recording your videos, to help them rank in search. Plus I'll also give you tips on how to increase your user engagement, as well as tools that can boost your SEO. So grab your magic staff or whatever it is you use to record your videos and let's get started. Man, this beard is really itchy.
