From the course: Learning webpack 4

Bundle JavaScript modules with webpack 4

From the course: Learning webpack 4

Bundle JavaScript modules with webpack 4

- [Eve] JavaScript today is more powerful than ever, but on any JavaScript project there are a multitude of decisions that have to be made. How do I ensure that my code is compatible with different browsers? How do I make sure that my bundle sizes are small enough to load quickly on all sorts of devices? Luckily webpack is here to make all of this possible. In this course, we'll get into the most commonly used features in webpack, and we'll look at how webpack is used in the real world with hands-on activities. My name is Eve Porcello. I'm a software engineer and author at Moon Highway, and I've been configuring webpack projects since webpack was released. I found that there's really no better build tool in the JavaScript ecosystem today. So now is the time to learn about it, and really put it to work in your projects.
