From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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Use Python-based models in JS

- [Instructor] There are many other examples with code you can further explore to get a good grasp of how to use TensorFlow.js, so let's take a look at a few. I always say that the best way to learn is to take a look at the examples of what others have done and then try to reproduce it with your own experience. So if you take a look at the main website here, so and you scroll all the way down here where we show the demos initially, each of those demos have actually code that you can take a look at. So if you click on here, you're gonna get to the code related to the Emoji Scavenger Hunt. So you can clone this code and actually take a look at how they built it. So you can even do it from here. So if we take a look at the source and take a look at js files, and then go to the index, and then scroll all the way down here. You can take a look at, well this is just the UI stuff, but we can go back here and I believe somewhere in there there's the mobilenet. So that's the…
