From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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Operations, or ops

Operations, or ops

- [Instructor] Operations, or ops, are the basic operations you can use to manipulate, analyze, infer, or do all sorts of operations on the data. They are essential for machine learning. There are dozens of operations we can use to manipulate data inside of TensorFlow. You have math operations, image operations, linear algebra, and many more. Let's take a look at a few of them. So before we actually do anything in VS Code, let's go to the browser for a few seconds. So if you're not on, go to that site and then click on API References. And then what you need to do is scroll down until you see Operations. It's right after Layers. And here you're gonna see the operations available to us. So there's arithmetic, basic math, convolution, reduction, and these are all normal to people that actually do machine learning. If some of them don't make sense, it's okay. So these are basically machine learning-related, so you can literally read about RNNs and it's gonna make more…
