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Introduction to machine learning

Introduction to machine learning

- [Instructor] Machine learning is the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Well, what does that mean? In essence, computers or CPUs are pretty dumb if we don't program them. Without AI, a computer usually works in a simple input to output paradigm. We input a command either through programming or UI, open Word and then the computer responds with opening the program, the output. Another example is your calculator. We input two times five and the calculator outputs 10 as the response. So this simple input to output process is how computers used to work before AI started to permeate every piece of software. In a machine learning paradigm, there is another factor added to this input to output equation, the learning part. We have an input, learning model, and then the output. In this paradigm, the machine learns from your inputs and makes better output over time. Let me demonstrate with a simple Google search. If you were to type and make the mistake to type into Google…
