From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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Initial project creation with TensorFlow

Initial project creation with TensorFlow

From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

Initial project creation with TensorFlow

- [Instructor] So let's get started setting up our project so we can explore TensorFlow.js. So the first thing I want you to do is open up Visual Studio Code if you don't have it open or use a different editor, feel free to open your editor. And what we're gonna do first is install and extension called Live Server inside of VSCode. So click on the extensions and look for Live Server and you can click on it. And basically what Live Server allows us to do is to create a server automatically with a simple HTML file that we are going to create. As opposed to create all the Note.js server code and all this, this creates it automatically for us. And once we have an HTML page, we can actually go and create the server. So let's install this and then reload VSCode. Once it is reload we're ready to get started. So the first thing we're gonna do is create a brand new folder that we'll call TensorFlow. And let's go to the desktop, create a new folder. I'm gonna call this TensorFlow and then…
