From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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Import example project

Import example project

- [Instructor] Let's import a good example project so we can explore further models, layers, and see how training works in Tensor Flow js. So, the first thing you need to do, go to your browser to You want to get to the site, either Clone or download this particular repo, and I'm going to download it. Once you have it on your system, extract the zip file, or grab the documents here. And, once you have it open, what I want you grab is the mnist example, here. So, this project here. So, what I'm gonna do is drag and drop it to my desktop. You can put it anywhere you want, this is where I'm gonna put it. And then, what I want is to open this inside of VS Code. So, I'm going to go back to VS Code, and make sure that I don't have anything else open. So, if I click Explorer, here, I don't have any projects. If you do have something, click on file and then close folder. And, let's go and open folder, and then select mnist from the desktop. So, if you…
