From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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Convert SavedModel to web

Convert SavedModel to web

- [Instructor] Now let's say you're coming from TensorFlow, the regular version, and you want to use TensorFlow.js. So, there's a way to actually import your Keras models or your TensorFlow models into TensorFlow.js and let me show that to you. So, the first thing you need to do is if you want to have more information about the tfjs converter, you can go to github dot com forward slash TensorFlow forward slash tfjs dash converter. And you're going to get more information about what that converter is, how does it work. What I'm going to show you very quickly how would that work. So, go to your terminal. And the first thing you will need to do is do a pip install tensor flow js and that will install the proper packages related to the actual converter. Okay, so once you have that package installed, you can go back quickly to the actual reference here and take a look at what is the actual command. So, that's very, very simple. You will need to grab the actual path of where the file is, so…
