From the course: Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

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A TensorFlow demo

A TensorFlow demo

- [Instructor] So before we get started on building our own project, let's go through a demo of what TensorFlow could do. And if you want to test the same demo, you can go to and then scroll all the way down to the Pac-Man version here. So click on Go to Demo, and it's gonna ask you to actually turn your web camera on. And as you can see right now, you can see me. And what I'm gonna do first is actually train this Pac-Man game or Pac-Man to actually follow my head. So whenever I turn right or I turn left or I turn up or down, Pac-Man is actually going to follow my movements and move in the game. And that's a good example of machine learning. So the first thing we need to do is kinda train or feed data into the model. So the first thing I'm gonna do is literally take pictures of my head turning right, left, up, or down and actually feed that into the model. So let's go ahead and do that. So I'm gonna turn right first. And then I'm gonna turn left, and then click to…
