From the course: Learning SharePoint Online

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Coauthor an Office document

Coauthor an Office document

- [Instructor] SharePoint is a platform for simultaneous editing, also called coauthoring. With SharePoint, we can have more than one person open a document at the same time and edit it. For example, I'm going to open the Employee Handbook Test document. And when I do, there's already someone else editing this document. And I'll show you how I know. First, in the upper right hand corner, note RM. Robert Molina has this document open. And he's actually making some changes. I can tell right where he's editing because where his insertion point is, there's a marker. And if I point to that marker and hover over it, it will tell me that he's the person editing. If I'm elsewhere in the document and want to see where Rob's working, I can click the RM or his photo up here, his profile picture, and I can indicate that I'd like to go to that location and see exactly where he's editing. Now, as long as I'm not trying to edit in the…
